
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Welcome to SLP-ity!

*now under construction* 

I took time this summer to travel through many Speech Path blogs and found some great resources! How exciting that we have SLPs willing to share their ideas and creations with others in the field! 

As I looked at the desktop and network folders on my work computer, I realized that I have made many materials that I continue to use over and over--materials that I have not seen on other "speechie" blogs. I especially have many parent & teacher collaboration tools and organization tools that I think others may be interested in using (or adapting!).

I was excited in my second year as a school-based SLP that I could 'pattern myself after myself,' since I was no longer needing to create as many materials from scratch, but could just make a few changes on the materials I had made during my first year. Going into my third year, I have a growing idea of what 'works' what doesn't, what I'm missing, and what I never thought about before 'that moment' when I suddenly wished I had...that something.

My goals is to share these materials with other SLPs so we can successfully meet the demands of being school-based SLPs! As I see it, the quicker we can get our hands on an effective material or resource, the more time we have to be with our students (which is the fun and most rewarding part!).

I hope you can find many useful materials here! I seem to always put my own little personal touches on the materials I find, so please adapt these materials as you see fit to work best for you!

1 comment:

  1. I have just worked my way through your blog. You have some great materials and ideas. Thank you so much for sharing!
