
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


One of the more grueling tasks for the beginning of the school year is (dun dun DUN!) creating a speech therapy schedule! 

Anyone else use the post-it note strategy? I put each of my students/groups onto a sticky note...and make as many sticky notes as I need to match the speech sessions they will have per week. (Example: 2nd grade speedy speech students I see 4 days/week, so there are 4 sticky notes that say "2nd Speedy Speech." Each sticky has a # 1-4 so I can keep track.) 

sticky notes!

Now for the "fun" part! Puzzling together each teacher's schedule and fitting my therapy times into the week! 
whiteboard...drafting the weekly schedule! 

From craziness on the a decent, typed draft! 

I tried a new system for getting feedback from the classroom teachers about the speech schedule. I attached a short note (on sped specific teal paper!) to a copy of the speech schedule and asked the teacher to check one box: 
  • This will work for my students...let's try it! 
  • This will not work for my students...let's reschedule! 
  • Let's visit!
left: original         right: what I've received back
I've received positive feedback so far!

...and this is a schedule from last year...all marked up with a crazy school-wide testing week! [Won't be long before my 'draft' turns into a marked up souvenir from a great week of therapy! :) ]
attendance, meetings, etc. all marked here!

Happy scheduling! 

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