
Monday, August 20, 2012

Speedy Speech Basket--A Must Have!

If you use the intensive articulation intervention service delivery model, a speedy speech basket is a must-have! It makes everything grab-and-go! 

Here's a look at mine:

Dollar store basket works perfectly in size and price! 

Everything fits in, and it's easy to travel with throughout the hallways. 

I usually carry my basket and my schedule clipboard when I do sessions. On data collection days, I also carry my speedy speech data notebook. 

Here's what's inside my speedy speech basket (left to right, clockwise): 
  • Pencil Bag: *dice *dry erase markers *chipper chat wand and markers
  • Chipper Chat boards for a quick activity 
  • Sentence Starters: not always carried, but these are perfect for conversation-level practice/data, and oral-reading level practice
  • Speedy Speech passes: this makes it quiet in the classrooms! **See note below 
  •  Small nonfiction book with very short paragraph/1-page sections for oral-reading level practice 
  • small whiteboard 
  • timer!! (a must) 
  • Articulation cards. (I use these decks most often, but swap them out for other speech-sound cards so there are different words to practice with)  

Speedy Speech Pass Note: 
I walk into a classroom and put the Speedy Speech Pass on a student's desk, then walk out. The Pass cues the student to come out to the hallway with me for speech. When the speedy speech session is done, I tell my student who the next student is and the pass is put on the desk of the next student. It works for teachers, too: it's a very quiet, non-disruptive system, and when the pass is on a student's desk the teacher knows that student is in speech and will return shortly. 


  1. I love your ideas and want to try speedy speech. A couple of questions about logistics: when you pull kids out into the hall, do you have a place to sit? Do you bring them into the therapy room weekly? Monthly? Thank you!

    1. *It depends! :) some of the classrooms have an extra desk in the hallway--if that is the case, I will have the student sit 'normally' at the desk and I will sit at the side of the desk facing them. Some students I consistently see on the floor, which actually gets us more space and gives the students a break from desks (!). I have also pulled students into an empty or not-used room (last year I pulled my 6th graders into the next-door art room that was available and my Kindergarteners I pulled right into the speech room because it was close and the hall was noisy with lunch at that time). **NOTE:Of all my speedy speech kiddos, I have only had 1 parent who isn't OK with hallway sessions, so I pull that student into my speech room for every session.

      *I do occasionally pull students into the therapy room. I occasionally will pull a group of 2 or 3 students into the room, do a minute drill (each student gets a deck of cards and sees how many they can say in the minute), then a brief group activity. I do this usually when there is a special activity that day and the teacher wants speech to be quick (e.g., Science Lady or an upcoming assembly).

      Hope that is helpful!

  2. Love this idea. I actually bought a cart this year to use for inclusion in the EC classroom and RtI. I love how we find ways to make therapy work in a variety of places :)

  3. I have been doing the '5 minute therapy' for a second year, now. Love the results, the data, and the one-on-one with a student. ALL parents AND teachers love that I only pull 1 student at a time, for just a few minutes each. I guess noise is my biggest issue. Our schools have "pods" and so I don't have to use the hallway, but the pods can be as noisy, sometimes. The other issue I work with is the lack of materials at my fingertips, like you. I have fashioned a big rolling "box" that has the extended handles and wheels. I have also created a top for it to include extra items. Inside my cart, I carry folders for each that include therapy materials. Oh, and to make myself look extra dorky, I have a big clock I've attached to the side of my 'cart'. They call me the White Rabbit. :) I rarely use games, anymore :( ...I miss that part.

  4. Love it! I am redoing my schedule for the remainder of the school year so I can implement 5-Minute Kids. A speedy speech basket will be key. And I love the idea of the Speech Pass. Of course, the iPad will also be in the basket. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Love your "Speedy Speech" signs! I struggle on how to quietly and discretly get students out of their classroom for Quick Artic--I am definitely going to utilize your sign idea for next year!

  6. When you are talking about 'speedy speech' and 5-Minute Speech -- are these students not on the caseload? As in, are they being serviced in an RTI fashion? I'm a newer SLP to the schools and am really interested in implementing something similar to get my numbers down....started with 71 last year and we had so many students come in to K with speech that I am back up to 67 to start this year :/ (State cap is 65 in PA)

    1. You should check out the Speedy Speech program at It is an all inclusive articulation program developed by two SLP's and can be used for treatment as well as RTI and it incorporates the principle of shorter, more frequent sessions. Each sound book comes with EVERYTHING you need to run the program at your school including data collection forms and stimulus materials.

  7. Hi! Can you tell me which of your programs would work best for my son who has a stuttering problem? He doesn't have a specific letter "issue." Thanks!
