Friday, October 26, 2012

Dig a Sentence

On Pinterest I saw this great idea for "digging deeper sentences." Here's the original post: Mrs. Meacham

Where I found it: 

I used this idea on my whiteboard with 3rd grade and 6th grade language groups, and they all loved it! This idea works for: 
*asking/answering questions
*story retell
*writing sentences
*organizing ideas

Since I got a good response from my students, I made it into a paper-pencil format and made a homework practice page. Download this freebie from my TpT store HERE. 4-page packet includes 1 version with visuals and 1 version without...homework for each. 

Dig a Sentence handout without visuals

Dig a Sentence Homework page with visuals

Leave a comment: what do you think? Who will you use this with? 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Student Referral Process: Speech-Language Concerns

I wanted to share these forms with others because they have been quite useful to me! I use these  when teachers have a speech-language concern area with a student. 

I typically have a brief conversation with the teacher and give them the form to fill out. They return it and we move forward. 

Articulation Referral

Language Referral: includes social skills, receptive language, expressive language

Stuttering/Fluency referral

instructions--can give to teachers with the referral form or with a brief note introducing the referral process after they get to know the students in their classroom (e.g., I send it out near October).

Free Download HERE at TpT.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Student Referral Process: Step 1

Here is a document we use as part of the initial teacher referral when a student needs more support or problem solving in the classroom.

At our district, the teacher provides THIS documentation to the Student Assistance Team (SAT) Committee (made up of the school psych, a sped teacher, me (SLP), a general education teacher, and the title teacher) as well as the Additional Teacher Input Form (given to any additional teachers whose instruction is impacted by the area of concern--e.g., specials teachers, co-grade teachers). They also send home a Parent Information form, which most parents bring to the first meeting of the SAT team.

Our SAT committee meets (with the parent), and discusses the concerns, brainstorms interventions/supports to put into place, and decide what data will be collected and by whom. We set the next meeting date.....and see what works (and what doesn't!). This may eventually lead to testing the student for special education verifications. 
(Free download at my TpT store HERE

...just saw the typo in 'blogspot'(my fingers type that SO often, but I usually catch it!)

Some students in this process end up having language difficulties that the teacher couldn't 'put her finger on.' Others end up having artic concerns in addition to classroom concerns. We continue the process, and I usually jump into speech-language Response to Intervention (parent permission free download HERE). 

If there is just an articulation concern, we "skip" the SAT committee and run right to me (!). That includes a separate form...coming soon in a follow up blog post!
Look forward to: 
*Artic referral
*Stuttering referral
*Language referral (listening, speaking, social skills)

I hope this helps those of you SLPs out there who wear as many "Hats" as I do at school! What are your other (non-therapy) responsibilities?

Mini Book artic homework

A fun artic homework activity. Students make their own "mini book" all about their speech sound.
Find this free download at my TpT store HERE.
Mini Book title page

Getting started: adding our speech sound inside.
Using a post-it note to brainstorm words that could be used in the "longest sentence in the world."  Good way to practice the speech sounds as part of the giving of the homework.
done :)

I have a goal to make a packet of mini speech books, but currently only have one to share. Enjoy at my TpT store HERE. Look for more at a later time!

Leave a comment--what do you think?  Would it be helpful to have more?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Write a Sentence Artic Homework

Simple? Yes. Effective? Yes. Quick? Yes. Helps generalize? Yes. 
Speech homework doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming to be effective.

This is a (very) simple homework assignment. I typically start it with my student then send it home with them to finish. 

 Free download at my TpT store HERE.

I can use it as part of my speech session by having them choose the words they want to practice (and saying that word 3x or in a brief sentence as I write it in), and by completing the first few sentences with them. 
For some, I find me writing and them talking most effective, but I also like to encourage their independence and practice of the assignment (some parents will write and complete the assignment with their student, other students will be wholly responsible for their homework-no matter how young!). 
writing her first sentence


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WH "Question Wheel" Homework

I saw a circle-style graphic organizer and thought it was a great way to organize practicing WH-questions.   

Download includes a blank question wheel

I tried it as homework for both my 3rd grade and Kindergarten language groups...

...and they loved it! They were each very proud of their work. (It also gave me a good sample of their question writing skills!) 

So, I've made several more to pull out as homework as I work with WH-questions.

Bonus: Progress Monitoring!  I look forward to comparing student work over time and seeing if there is a change in question content as well as question grammar/conventions. 

...and I've decided to share :) 

Examples from my Free Download (found at my TpT store HERE)

(Word clipart) 

 Enjoy! Let me know how your student like it!


Speedy Speech (5 minutes) prize ring!

I created a "travel version" of my prize ring with activities/prizes appropriate for my speedy speech students. I clipped this right onto my basket with a binder clip so it travels with me!
Just laminate and put onto a binder ring!

Freebie looks like this!

Ready to "travel!"
Just print, cut out, laminate, punch a hole, add a binder ring, clip on, then travel!
Free Download HERE

My students receive a stamp for returning homework. Their stamp charts are in their homework folder (which stays in their backpack except for speech times and when working on it at home). Occasionally, I will reward an extra stamp if I hear great speech sounds during a classroom walk-through, just for fun!