Friday, August 24, 2012

Documentation! Teacher Initial forms

This form helps me document that all necessary staff members have received a copy of the IEP at a Glance form (and/or a full copy of the IEP if I mark it that way). 

I staple this 1/4 page to the top of the IEP at a Glance, the teacher initials and dates it, then put the 1/4 page in my mailbox (they keep the Glance for their files). 

I staple the initialed 1/4 pages to the IEP in the file so when file review comes around all documentation is present! 

Our entire sped team uses this method, so it is consistent for the teachers. Free download HERE. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Speedy Speech Basket--A Must Have!

If you use the intensive articulation intervention service delivery model, a speedy speech basket is a must-have! It makes everything grab-and-go! 

Here's a look at mine:

Dollar store basket works perfectly in size and price! 

Everything fits in, and it's easy to travel with throughout the hallways. 

I usually carry my basket and my schedule clipboard when I do sessions. On data collection days, I also carry my speedy speech data notebook. 

Here's what's inside my speedy speech basket (left to right, clockwise): 
  • Pencil Bag: *dice *dry erase markers *chipper chat wand and markers
  • Chipper Chat boards for a quick activity 
  • Sentence Starters: not always carried, but these are perfect for conversation-level practice/data, and oral-reading level practice
  • Speedy Speech passes: this makes it quiet in the classrooms! **See note below 
  •  Small nonfiction book with very short paragraph/1-page sections for oral-reading level practice 
  • small whiteboard 
  • timer!! (a must) 
  • Articulation cards. (I use these decks most often, but swap them out for other speech-sound cards so there are different words to practice with)  

Speedy Speech Pass Note: 
I walk into a classroom and put the Speedy Speech Pass on a student's desk, then walk out. The Pass cues the student to come out to the hallway with me for speech. When the speedy speech session is done, I tell my student who the next student is and the pass is put on the desk of the next student. It works for teachers, too: it's a very quiet, non-disruptive system, and when the pass is on a student's desk the teacher knows that student is in speech and will return shortly. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012


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Speech Room Behavior System!

We currently don't have a school-wide behavior program (we are working towards one, thankfully, but are currently in a year of data collection), so this summer I was on the search for a behavior system I liked for the speech room that would fit my needs Kindergarten through 6th grade.

I really liked the behavior system I found at the blog Sped-ventures (her post is here), so I made my own version which I am already loving!

I made my behavior signs with these labels:
  • Outstanding! (Earn 2 Stamps) 
  • Ready to Learn! (Making Great Choices!)
  •  Think about it. (What are the speech room behaviors?) 
  • Warning (Loss of stamp) 
  • Time Out (can return to the group after processing with [speech therapist] or [principal])
My students keep their picture+paperclip Behavior Chart Marker in their speech room folders and clip it onto "Ready to Learn" when they enter the speech room. Their marker can be moved up or down as cued during the speech session. 

(To make the Behavior Chart Marker: *take student picture, print and laminate *use packing tape to attach to a large paperclip.)

At the end of the speech session, I write a very brief note in their homework folder to stay in contact with parents. In the top line, I circle where they ended up on the behavior chart. (Some students can circle this themselves).

Get a free download of the My Speech Time Report at my TpT store.

Elementary Speech Folders

My speech students have 2 folders...a homework folder (that goes home and back....and may risk never being seen again, thus the second folder) and a speech room folder (that stays in the speech room).

Behavior chart marker (paper clip), stamp chart, cover page
Speech students who come into the speech room have a speech room folder. Those who are speedy speech only or inclusion only do not have a speech folder (just a homework folder).

Here's what's in each student's speech room folder: 
  • Cover sheet (goals, speech room expectations, speech times)
  •  Student stamp chart
  • Behavior chart marker (picture) 
  • The Dollar Challenge 100 tracking page (post here)
  • As we work on tasks, this folder will house the different individual visuals, projects, etc. until they are ready to be sent home, posted on a bulletin board, or filed for progress monitoring (data!).  
(Click here to grab your free download of the cover sheet and sticker chart from my TpT store)
Free download

My students keep their speech room folders in their grade-bin. 

The speech room folder routine looks like this: 
  • enter the speech room, find your folder in the grade-bin
  • take out your behavior chart maker and place it on the "Ready to Learn" poster
  • bring your folder to the table and open to the stamp chart, with your homework ready to be "stamped"
  • if we are  not taking anything out of our folders, the folders "go under you." (My students love this because I don't care where it is as long as it is "under" them and not a distraction. Some students choose to sit on their folder-literally, while others put it on the floor under their chair or balance it on the metal bars of the chair. This open-ended method is a great way to get compliance without a challenge from those more 'creative' students...!)
  • receive stamp (if earned) at the end of the session, re-place behavior chart marker, re-file folder in grade-bin.
This routine is faster and faster once the students are familiar with it. They like the independence and responsibility, and I appreciate the organization! 

100! The Dollar Challenge

I found The Dollar Challenge at SpeechRoomNews (post here) and immediately wanted to use it with my students! (Thanks for the idea, Jenna!)

I made companion documents to go with The Dollar Challenge (TpT download HERE).
  • Articulation Tracking Graph: to use with Speedy Speech Students 
  • Language Tracking Graph: to use with non-artic goals 
  • Parent Note Home: so the parent can celebrate with the student for the accomplishment of 100!  

Here's how I'll use it: 
Articulation...Goal: to get 100 correct productions of the speech sound within 1, 5-minute speedy speech session. Schedule: Sporadically, at least monthly, probably every other week we will have a "Dollar Challenge" Day. Method: clicker counter to count productions; graph to track how many productions were achieved! 

Language...Goal: 100 correct goal behaviors (e.g., wh-questions, story grammar elements, grammatically correct sentence productions) Schedule: speech sessions when I take data and/or when students take their own data Method: Students will shade in a box for each correct answer until all 100 boxes are shaded!

On Task Behavior...Goal: to get 100% on task behavior during a 10 minute observation. Schedule: each time data is taken there is an opportunity (note: The students aren't aware of when I take data, since I am in the classrooms frequently) Method: on-task behavior data during classroom observation

Then, to celebrate with Parents when their student meets The Dollar Challenge, a note will be sent home. 

Parent Permission for RtI

Here's a form that has been really handy! You can download it free off my TpT page HERE

This is a quick way to get parent permission to begin RtI (response to intervention) after you receive a teacher referral and do a quick screening.  The first page is a check-box format for the area of concern/referral (e.g., artic, social skills, receptive/expressive language) written in parent-friendly terms. The second/back page explains more in depth about the RtI process.

Speedy Speech!

I LOVE speedy speech! (In the research you may see it listed as the "intensive articulation model" of therapy). With speedy speech, I have seen wonderful progress in my articulation students, the students' parents have been impressed with their child's progress, and the teachers love that I only pull a student out for 5 minutes at a time (so they don't miss much-if any-instruction time).

I remember reading that within a given school year a student misses 1 week of instruction time walking back and forth for pull-out groups (speech, resource, PT, OT, reading recovery, TitleI, etc). Wow! I worked in a school where we did speedy speech sessions at an empty desk in the hallway by each "pod" of grade-level classrooms, and in my current school I have that option in some halls, but typically just sit on the floor in the hallway(!).

Here's my top reasons for loving speedy speech (in no particular order): 
  1. it's fast, so behavior is rarely an issue
  2. it's fast, so the students stay engaged
  3. progress! progress! progress!
  4. a variety of activities are perfect for 5 minutes with very little prep time
  5. not material-heavy (the students don't get bored with the activities, so I can 're-cycle' through my materials/activities every month or so and I can do the same activity within a week) 
  6. progress! progress! progress! 
  7. the teachers love it
  8. I get to see my students 4-5 days/week, so I get to know them individually better 
  9. I get to see my students 4-5 days/week, so I am more in-tune with educationally-relevant changes and can work along side teachers/parents with problem solving (e.g., medication issues, vision/hearing concerns, home changes that impact the school day, sleep issues) 
  10. progress! progress! progress! 
  11. the students see "my face" 4-5 days/week, so using correct speech sounds is on their mind more frequently 
  12. I am around the building so all students see me--that makes making a relationship for a screening, starting RtI, testing, etc. much faster and easier

I'd be happy to help anyone set up their speedy speech program! More posts to help out! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sneak Peek at my Speech Room!

Welcome to my elementary speech room!
  • My desk and file drawer
  • Clipboards on wall are great for quick access: mileage, schedule, student behavior data (school-wide)
  • Low file cabinet for "friendship files" with some of my social skills students
  • Wall-hanging quick-grab forms (IEP forms, SAT forms, etc!)
  • Double-sided bookshelf--AR books
  • Temporary walls are perfect for yarn trees!

Quick Grab files are great for SAT papers!

  • Quick-grab forms on the wall
  • Double-sided bookshelf holds many materials!

Organization of materials...visuals, activities

  • Storage on the left! 
  • Crescent therapy table for small groups 
  • Speech room expectations on the tall cabinet (listening ears, focused eyes, hands on work, no blurting)  

  • Lucky to have 2 whiteboards! 
  • Task "board" velcroed on the edge of my table  

  •  Cards within arm's reach on the wall
  • Easy access to school supplies in the purple bin 

I've enjoyed exploring the speechie blog responses to Jenna's "Anatomy of a Speech Room," like the one at Live Speak Love (!

Data Notebooks!

Another task for the beginning of the school year is organizing my data notebook so I'm ready to collect collect collect data data data! (Data drives therapy, after all!)

I've combined my favorite data sheets into a new one-page form for progress monitoring.

Progress monitoring graph on top, data collection space on bottom.

Student by student, page by page...the creation of the data notebook is underway! I have 3 data notebooks: 
  1. Preschool Data
  2. Speedy Speech Data, and 
  3. (everything else) Data 
I'm considering making a 4th notebook for my classroom observation data (time on task, social skills) so it can be a self-contained, all inclusive 'traveling' binder. Historically, I have pulled my classroom data forms and used a clipboard as I travel, but I like my 'traveling' speedy speech binder so much I may love another 'traveling' binder! 

creation of data notebooks!


One of the more grueling tasks for the beginning of the school year is (dun dun DUN!) creating a speech therapy schedule! 

Anyone else use the post-it note strategy? I put each of my students/groups onto a sticky note...and make as many sticky notes as I need to match the speech sessions they will have per week. (Example: 2nd grade speedy speech students I see 4 days/week, so there are 4 sticky notes that say "2nd Speedy Speech." Each sticky has a # 1-4 so I can keep track.) 

sticky notes!

Now for the "fun" part! Puzzling together each teacher's schedule and fitting my therapy times into the week! 
whiteboard...drafting the weekly schedule! 

From craziness on the a decent, typed draft! 

I tried a new system for getting feedback from the classroom teachers about the speech schedule. I attached a short note (on sped specific teal paper!) to a copy of the speech schedule and asked the teacher to check one box: 
  • This will work for my students...let's try it! 
  • This will not work for my students...let's reschedule! 
  • Let's visit!
left: original         right: what I've received back
I've received positive feedback so far!

...and this is a schedule from last year...all marked up with a crazy school-wide testing week! [Won't be long before my 'draft' turns into a marked up souvenir from a great week of therapy! :) ]
attendance, meetings, etc. all marked here!

Happy scheduling!